Best Side Summits 2023

September 9, 2023
Lewis Creek Visitor Center (5808 Lakemont Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006)
Meet at 10:00 AM
Sign Up Link (Form is also directly below)
Route Link

If you watch my channel, you'll know that my guilty pleasure in cycling is hills of the steepest variety.  This is the 2nd edition of the annual social group ride in which I'd like to share that joy with you.  Best Side Summits is a condense South Bellevue / Issaquah route with 40 miles and an astounding 6250' of elevation basically containing all of my favorite segments in the area. The idea is to encourage everyone to get up and over each (or as much as you'd like) of these hills as a rolling parade! I will be your tour guide and cheer leader as you tackle on this really challenging ride. Come prepared to take on the steepest, tallest, and most scenic paved summits in King County and to cheer on your fellow riders.

The ride will start and end at Lewis Creek Park with ample parking. The ride is free to join and self-supported (you are responsible for your own safety) so please come prepared with everything you would need riding solo. I'll be bringing some refreshments for us to share at the mid-point/finish and donations on the day of would be appreciated to cover the costs. If you are coming, please sign up using the linked Google form below so I have a rough headcount and can send out any updates if needed.

Safety Notes:
You are responsible for your own safety and support on the ride. You have well-tested brakes, are comfortable cycling around others and descending steep hills in a controlled way. This ride will be rescheduled if there is rain or slick roads.

Route Details and Link:
This route has been personally crafted by yours truly to create the best experience for you. There are many hills on the route which are "skippable" and you can always return to Lewis Creek Park. Please load the route into your bike computer ahead of time anyway to help smooth things on the day of!

Feel free to reach out to me at if you have any questions about the ride. Watch the YouTube link below for vibes of the ride!

Segment/Hills List:
China Creek Straight Up
Newcastle Golf Course Climb
Meadow Wood Park Wall
West Summit Climb
Summit Climb 
Somerset Complete  
49th St to Hilltop  
Ay Mamacita  
Cougar Cherry 
Belvedere Development
Zoo Hill Climb

P.S If you are feeling super adventurous and want my recommendation for full-day of climbing including the Issaquah Alps check out the Best Side Cycling: Ultimate Edition Route with 61 miles and 9600' of climbing. This is truly the "best" of the whole area!